
About Us

Ionic Construction
The smarter builder

Restoration of a heritage building in progress

Ionic Construction is an accredited building business based in Launceston Tasmania.

Our main focus is on specialist and technical building jobs that require a specific set of skills, experience and knowledge.

These include:

  • condensation assessment and rectification;
  • groundwater and salt damp matters;
  • energy efficiency;
  • subfloor ventilation and dampness;
  • waterproofing and membranes;
  • traditional building methods;

Formal qualifications in science from a "previous life", means we have an excellent understanding of many complex and technical matters that is not common in the building industry generally.

We provide both technical knowledge and above average hands-on construction skills. So, after pinpointing the nature and cause of a problem, we have the experience, practical skills and tools to take the job through to completion.

In addition to the complex projects, we can do all the standard jobs from decks and bathrooms to new building work.

Providing clear and no-nonsense explanations means that highly complex matters can be understood by any "half intelligent" person. Good information = greater understanding = confidence to progress with a complex project.

Get in touch

Contact us today for a FREE quote. Give us a call or send a message via the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.